My #caileighsfightsong shirt and bracelet mean SO much to me. I wear my bracelets every day and every time I look down at my wrist I think of her. I love having them with me all the time as little reminders that she is still with me every day. Caileigh has changed my view on life, taught me that strength is the greatest gift from God, changed the way I appreciate friendships and relationships with those who are in my life and helped me to believe in things that I wouldn't have necessarily believed if I haven't witnessed these things for myself. I love wearing my tshirt because I feel like I'm sending a message that she would want to be sent out. I love wearing my bracelets to assure myself several times throughout the day that my Caileigh girl is always with me. And the words #caileighsfightsong always gives me the the strength and drive to fight through the obstacles that life has thrown and will throw at me in the future. I feel her strength with me every day and I appreciate her sharing that with me. I miss my dear friend more then I could ever put into words. I love you so much Caileigh and thank you for the strength you share with everyone. We will all cherish you and everything you had to offer forever.💙 #caileighsfightsong

Isabella & McKinley,
Forest Hills
Wearing our tshirts and bracelets means so much to us. For our family it represents the princess warrior that we watched for 42 days fighting so hard to stay with us. For me , I saw a warrior, one of the strongest human beings fighting everyday. Isabella and McKinley wear theirs so proudly because they looked up to Caileigh McDowell. She was a role model to them and they wear theirs to make her proud because they want to carry on her legacy. We always wear them because we love and miss her everyday. ❤️#caileighsfightsong

Wearing my #CaileighsFightSong shirt and bracelet makes me remember all of the years I've know Caileigh and all the things that we've done together. We've gone to the same school and cheered together for so long, I can't even count the years. Caileigh was the kindest person that I could ever meet and I'm so lucky I could call her my best friend. I'll remember all the games, the parties and the nights hanging out at her house for as long as I live. Caileigh may be gone physically but she will always be with me in my heart. ❤️ That is what wearing my #CaileighsFightSong shirt and bracelet mean, boundless life and love for Cai ❤️

I wear my bracelets everyday. I never take them off. Caileigh is one of the kindest people I have ever known. I had a lot of trouble in school. From struggling with my school work, to being bullied on a day to day basis. But know matter what she helped me pick myself back up. Caileigh is a big part as to why I am who I am today. I could count on her to listen and be there for me no matter what kind of day she was having she always put everyone else's feelings before hers. The life that she lived showed me that I shouldn't live with regret. That I should live my life and look at the bright side and not what's wrong. I keep her pictures on my wall so that way I have her close. And everyday I have my #caileighsfightsong bracelets on so that way I always have a part of her and her story with me. She might not be here with me physically but she will always be with me in my heart and memories.

I wear my bracelets everyday. I never take them off. Caileigh is one of the kindest people I have ever known. I had a lot of trouble in school. From struggling with my school work, to being bullied on a day to day basis. But know matter what she helped me pick myself back up. Caileigh is a big part as to why I am who I am today. I could count on her to listen and be there for me no matter what kind of day she was having she always put everyone else's feelings before hers. The life that she lived showed me that I shouldn't live with regret. That I should live my life and look at the bright side and not what's wrong. I keep her pictures on my wall so that way I have her close. And everyday I have my #caileighsfightsong bracelets on so that way I always have a part of her and her story with me. She might not be here with me physically but she will always be with me in my heart and memories.
Forest Hills

I miss my sister every day. My sister was a warrior. She fought through so much. She was funny and we had lots of fun together. We fought too. But always had each other’s back. Always. I wear my #caileighsfightsong bracelet every day so I can look down and be reminded of Caileigh. I will work every day of my life to make her proud of me.

Ever since this event was made I contemplated day by day on what I would say wearing my #caileighsfightsong t shirt and bracelets mean to me and they basically mean everything to me. I haven't taken my bracelet off since I got it. Wearing my bracelet and t shirt remind me what it means to be a warrior and fight to the finish. Every time I look at my wrist I think of Caileigh! All the football games and cheer practices, classes and stories. I think of nothing but strength when... I wear both. I feel stronger and coping seems a little easier. I think of unity and family. It means sticking together good and bad and having each others backs. My #caileighsfightsong apparel means a great deal to me. It's a lifestyle, I live by it. They always remind that when no one else believes in me that I have a lot of fight left in me and I will succeed in the end.
Turtle Creek

I wear two of them every day, as I'm making my way through the world I take her with me. She gives me strength on my worst days, and I am so thankful for that. I wear my Caileigh shirt when I need some extra strength or just when I feel the need to spread her message around. Today I was sitting in class, staring at the clock wishing the day was over and then I picked up my book and my Caileigh book mark fell out of it. It made me feel like she was there with me, and trying to... tell me to slow down, and stop rushing. We were not close friends in high school, but we did cheer together for years, and her mother was one of the best teachers I've ever had. Her story has made such an impact on my life, and on myself. My perspective on life has changed so much. We are all fighters because of her, and as we fight through lives in our separate directions we will all take her with us so she can enjoy every minute of it. I will continue to wear my shirt and my bracelets throughout life, and I'm going to let them be my strength when I feel like giving up.
Slippery Rock

I've been meaning to post in here all week, but I just had to find the time! My room is pretty small and it really only consists of a bed, two dressers, a book shelf, and my closet. The first two shelves on my book shelf consist of pictures and a little memorial for Caileigh to remind me that she is up there with the people she deserves to be with. On my wall I have a picture of Caileigh hanging up and a #CaileighsFightSong poster underneath it. It's nice to just look at bed and think of all the good times we had. In a messy small room, it's hard to keep everything together like jewelry and things so I really don't take off my #CaileighsFightSong bracelet ever. I'm too afraid to lose it and I feel incomplete when I leave the house without it on. I just don't wear it places where it could get broken or messed up. I wear it to bring a piece of Cai with me everywhere I go so it's like she's experiencing everything that she didn't get to. My shirt hangs in the front of my closet...I can never wear anything without staining it lol so I save it for important events. The last time I wore it was on Prom day...I didn't go to prom, but I helped a few people get ready and I made sure that piece of her was with me that day. Although sometimes looking at these things make me miss her so much, I wouldn't want to be reminded of anyone else's smile, strength, and kindness throughout the day. I need that warmth in my heart. I also need to be reminded on the bad days how hard she fought because no matter how rough I think I have it, she fought for HER LIFE for a longgggggg time and I thrive to be a warrior like her. ️ #CaileighsFightSong